Händel: Messiah - Audience Outreach Tour

4.11.2024 Varkaus
15.30 Varkaus main library
17.00 Kotiseutukeskus Tyyskä

5.11.2024 Kajaani
15.00 Kajaanin Raatihuone
17.00 Kajaani central library

6.11.2024 Kirkkonummi
15.00 Kirkkonummi city hall
17.00 Fyyri library

7.11.2024 Hämeenlinna
15.00 Keinukamarin palvelutalo, restaurant hall
17.00 Häme Castle, King's Hall

8.11.2024 Helsinki
12.30 Rikhardinkatu library
14.30 Töölö library
16.30 Kannelmäki library

Veera Kuusirati, soprano
Emma Suszko, alto
Kaisa Ruotsalainen, violin
Tatu Ahola, cello
Eero Palviainen, lute

In November, the Helsinki Chamber Choir and the Finnish Baroque Orchestra will join forces with the Lähelle project's audience outreach tour in Varkaus, Kajaani, Kirkkonummi, Hämeenlinna and Helsinki. In addition to school concerts, the tour includes concerts open to everyone as listed above. The small ensemble consist of three instrumentalists and two singers (Veera Kuusirati, soprano and Emma Suszko, alto) performing selected parts of Handel's Messiah oratorio.

Georg Friedrich Handel's Messiah (1741) is one of the world's most loved oratorios. From the composer's death until the beginning of the 20th century, Messiah was mainly responsible for the general public's image of Handel. Messiah's glorious choral parts and colorful arias paint a unique picture of overcoming suffering, fulfillment of prophecy and religious mystery. It is an entertaining celebration of different styles of baroque music and vocal music. 

In cooperation with the Finnish Baroque Orchestra FiBO. The concerts are part of the Lähelle project supported by Taike, the Finnish Council for Arts.

All the concerts on the audience outreach tour have free admission.